
Our free counselling service is a big part of the charity and is something that we are very proud of. The counselling service is so well regarded many statutory services such as the NHS and local GPS refer clients directly to us. We have huge local community referral and minds matter and many more. The service we provide is free and unlimited, so clients can have the time and luxury of working through their issues at their own pace. To Book please call or text 07511877224.

We also offer low cost Counselling to workplaces and schools. This can be long term or short term.

We can provide supervision for your team, this could be management supervision or school supervision. Supervision can make a massive impact on the success of running a safe and reliable work-place. Please do contact us to discuss this.

Citadel Counselling or Mindfulness

We're Raising funds to reduce Social Isolation

Want to join us in making a difference? We're raising money to benefit COLNE CITADEL, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us.

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